The Tom Bowl
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Tom Bowl Letters
Since 1989, the Tom Bowl has been sending invitations to colleges inviting them to attend this festive event. Below are the responses we have received.
Tom Bowl acceptance and declination letters.
Click the item below to see the actual letters.
Tom Bowl XV Pac-10 Conference
Tom Bowl XIV 2002 Ohio State University
2002 Big 10 Conference
Tom Bowl XI 1999 University of Nebraska 1999 University of Wisconsin 1999 Big 10 Conference
Tom Bowl X 1998 Big 10 Conference 1998 Kansas State University
Tom Bowl IX 1997 University of Nebraska 1997 Big 10 Conference #1 1997 Big 10 Conference #2
Tom Bowl VII 1995 University of Nebraska
Tom Bowl VI 1994 University of Nebraska
Tom Bowl I 1989 University of Colorado