Washington Monument

I always thought the Washington Monument was kind of lame. The Lincoln Memorial is awesome. It’s got a buzz. The Jefferson Memorial is OK. I went there some 10 plus years ago and there were letters missing under the statue so it said T omas  efferso which was kind of pathetic. Anyway, I digress. I always thought the Washington Monument was kind of lame. It’s just a big obelisky thing. Nothing about it says “George Washington.” So today I found out that originally it was going to be a lot taller and have a big parthenon thing around the base and on the top there was going to be a huge statue of George Washington dressed in a toga driving a team of horses on a chariot. As over the top as that sounds, I still think it would be better than what we have now. The reason they didn’t build it like that was because it was built on wetlands and seriously it took forever to build it and I think after awhile they just wanted to be done with it.

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