remember Pen Gore don't you? If you don't, go here to
read about Pen Gore. You should read that first as it will make this story
appear more coherent. Not a lot more coherent, but some. Anyway, Pen Gore is a
good guy. He's been around for quite some time now and we all feel a lot better
for it. He even survived a fire!!! So people have been wondering, what ever
happened to Pen Gore. Well, actually, they haven't. No one really seems to care
what Pen Gore is doing, but we thought we'd look into it and here's what we

Since he's been
displaced, Pen Gore has been looking for a purpose. He has tried a whole
bunch of things. For example, he went over and tried to supervise Shaer at
his construction job. |

However his personal management
style didn't seem to work out too well as you can see from this photo.
Don't worry though, it was just a threat and Pen Gore made it out OK. |

Then he tried to help Canca with
her work, but obviously he was ineffective. You can just see Canca
thinking "Who the hell are you?" as she holds Pen Gore in scorn.
No one listens to Pen Gore. |

Unfortunately, Pen Gore couldn't
let things go and tried to supervise Canca and her art projects. As you
can see, her patients was wearing very thin. No one supervises Canca
except Canca. |

Then Pen Gore thought he'd
return to his roots, perhaps to mend some fences. Anyway, he decided that
maybe his life calling was to actually be a pen. You can see him in action
as Shaho uses Pen Gore to write herself a note. Pen Gore tried to convince
himself that he was telling her what to write, but really he was just a
tool. |

Pen Gore soon found himself
relegated to the pencil holder. After spending months in there he realized
that he was more than just a pen. He was a pen among pens and he had to
find someone to lead. |

So Pen Gore decided to try and
tell the cat what to do. |

The problem was, this wasn't any
ordinary cat. This was my Demon Cat. And Pen Gore barely escaped with his
life. |

The whole experience left Pen
Gore very depressed. He turned to food for solace, but found little relief
since as a pen he can't eat. But sitting in a box of half eaten donuts
made him feel somewhat better. Why, I'm not sure. |

He also tried to lose himself in
watching TV. He was really into the Winter Olympic Hockey Finals. He even
thought about trying to become a hockey player but decided against it
because he doesn't have skates or feet to put them on. |

Then, just as things seemed
their bleakest, Pen Gore's salvation was reached. Canem and Canso found
him and decided that "the pen" was going to be their new best
friend. Finally someone was going to listen to poor old Pen Gore. |

Look here as he directs Canem to
remove the green olives from her slice of pizza. (You'll also notice Mr.
Smee is there and it is entirely possible that Canem was really listening
to Mr. Smee and not Pen Gore but we are giving him this one.) |

And see how good she eats with
Pen Gore looking on. (You'll notice that in the far corner that Mr. Smee
has been taken out. He's lying there just off the screen. We think Pen
Gore did it. The bad ass.) |

And again, see this
demonstration of Pen Gore's power as Canso who only listens to Canso
drinks her Strawberry Milk under Pen Gore's supervision. If you look
closely though, you may be able to see the contempt in her eyes. |
friends with Canem and Canso opened the doors for all kinds of new
experiences for Pen Gore. Hanging out with those two gave him all kinds of

He got to hang out with the
PowerPuff Girls. He thought perhaps he'd go by the name Ben Gore to fit
in, but they just called him Po Go Jo Jo. |

He also got to be a pirate.
Pirate Pen Gore. He tried to get himself the title Admiral so he'd outrank
Captain Hook but no go. He was given the rank of swab. |

He even met Mickey Mouse. (It's
not the real one, but don't tell Pen Gore. He was so excited by this
photo-op.) |

And he got to play Sorry. OK, he
didn't really get to play. He was a game piece. Don't you hate it when you
lose a piece. But at least he had a purpose. |

And best of all for Pen Gore, he
got some cool wheels. Unfortunately he can't drive it anywhere because he
doesn't have hands, or feet, and the car doesn't have an engine. But at
least he looks cool and is having fun doing it. It's all appearances
anyway. |
for now, Pen Gore is content to be a child's play thing. Who knows what
the future will bring for this pen of pens. But regardless, when it does
happen, everyone will know about it. At least those who care, which may
not be all that many people.