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Tom Bowl: The Future

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One of the other big complaints about the Tom Bowl is that every game ends in a tie. The reason for this being that no one seems to show up for the games. So in the future, the Tom Bowl will create the Tom Bowl Time Machine. With this device we will go back in time and load up the two teams for some of the biggest and most demanded Tom Bowls, bring them to Beal City, and get the game on.

Here's the Tom Bowl time machine.

And here are pictures from some of the biggest Tom Bowl's of them all.

1994 - Tom Bowl VI
University of Nebraska
vs. Penn St.

1997 - Tom Bowl IX
University of Nebraska
vs. University of Michigan

2000 - Tom Bowl XIII
University of Oklahoma vs. University of Miami

(Bad picture, camera screwed up)

2003 - Tom Bowl XV
University of Southern California vs. Louisiana State University